Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Technologies are important and helpful in everyone’s life Essay Example for Free
Technologies are important and helpful in everyone’s life Essay Computers help people to do such things or tasks easily and faster. Technology has a systematic and organized way of keeping data records, computing numbers, accomplishing a lot of transactions and reports. A system of a library is made to have a fast process of transactions for searching book titles, borrowing books, returning books, computing penalties and generating an accurate report. Aguilar Catholic School, High school department is located at Poblacion Aguilar, Pangasinan. It is a religious school and the religion of all the students and staffs is Roman Catholic and their library is open for them. It has a collection of books, magazines, journals, dictionaries, encyclopedias and other reading materials. The library is still using a card catalogues in searching books and the librarian is still using manual transaction for borrowing, returning and generating reports. Using a manual process is a hard work and because of it the librarian is having a problem to serve each students and faculties who wish to use the library. Aguilar Catholic School is using a record book to track borrowed books from the library. The librarian will write down the book being borrowed, borrower, book information, date borrowed and the date returned. A penalty is given to the borrower if he/she loses the book; the due date of returning of the book has ended. The penalty for losing a book depends on the amount of the book and if the borrower returned the book after its due date the penalty is 10 pesos. The proponent observed a lot of errors occurring in their manual system. The librarian is having difficulty working in the library and the borrowers are having difficulty in searching the book. General Objective The general objective of this project is to develop and implement a LAN base library system with barcode for Aguilar Catholic School to improve their processes and operations that will make transactions and the generation of reports accurate, fast and easy. Specific Objectives The specific objectives of the project are the following: * To design a prototype that will be easy to navigate interface * To develop a library system that will encourage students to use the library as the main source of information. * To develop a system that will be secured by applying user ID and password so that authorized persons can only access the important tasks. * To develop a system that will make use of barcode scanner, thus remove the filling up of different forms, for more rapidly borrowing and returning transactions. * To develop a system that will make cataloguing simpler. * To develop a system that will make searching of the available books and other reference materials in the library easy for the students. * To make a system that will make inventory of books and other reference materials reduce time consuming. * To develop a system that will produce accurate annual and quarterly statistical reports fast. * To test and evaluate the acceptability of the system in terms of functionality, reliability, usability and so on by gathering feedback from prospective users and technical experts. * Scope of the Project Since Aguilar Catholic School doesn’t have any computerized system, the scope of the project will include the system will make use of the barcode technology so the students and employees will only have to use their IDs when making a transaction, which is more convenient. The project include; the following features: Easy to navigate Interface; capability to search for the available title, author and subject of the book; compute the fine of the book when it is overdue; Inventory of books and other reference materials; and the generation of reports that they are making which are annual and quarterly statistical reports. The project will include student, employee’s alumni ledger, which will list all the reference materials that they borrowed. The report for the list of unreturned books will also be included in the project. For the students to search about the availability of books and other reference materials inside the library the researchers will include a LAN-based Public Access Catalog. All information covered within the system is in accordance with the existing book references within the library of the school. The system will only be implemented in the secondary library of Aguilar Catholic School. The system is LAN-based; it can only be accessed inside the campus. * List of Deliverables * User Manual It contains guide and associated images in how program should look like document intended to give assistance to people using a particular system, the proponents will provide a booklet that can guide them in how the system works. * Training Plan Training Plan is to define the strategies, tasks, and methods that will be used to meet the training requirements, the proponents will train the users and explain to them how the system works. The proponents will also observe and gather data while the users are using the new system. * Deployment Plan. Deployment Plan defines how software will be implemented into the organization that will access deployed applications, the proponents will make sure that the system will work properly and it will satisfy the company before letting them to use it, In the deployment plan the proponents will have to use SQL server for the database, cables for connection, barcode scanner, printer and computers for the LAN-based Public Access Catalog and for the workstations of the librarian. * Maintenance Plan It is plan that defines rate and scope of corrective and preventative maintenance for applications or software. Corrective maintenance is a reactive modification of a software product performed after delivery to correct discovered problems, Maintenance Plans are also sometimes known as Standard Operating Procedures. The procedures the proponents will be doing are Recovery Plan and Backup, Recovery plans contain detailed instructions for returning services to a working state. Backup plan or the process of backing up refers to making copies of data so that these additional copies may be used to bring back the original after a data loss event that may be due to failure or unintentionally deleted or corrupted file. CHAPTER II. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING SYSTEM Review of Existing System 0 Manual Library System Of Aguilar Catholic School Borrower Borrower Borrowers Info Book Borrowed Library card Library card Book Info Returned Book Fine info Librarian Newly acquired Books Librarian Penalty Info Reports Figure 1 Context Diagram of Existing System Figure 1 shows the general flow of the existing system within the Library of Roosevelt College. It includes different entities namely: Borrower and Librarian. An also It includes different inputs and outputs. Input are Borrowers info, library card, book info returned book, newly acquired books. Outputs are borrowed book, library card fine info, penalty info, reports. Figure 2. Diagram 0 of Existing System Figure 2 show the detail data process of existing system. First transaction begins with the borrower. Strengths * Manual system can still function without electricity. * A lesser amount of electrical equipment * Users are more familiar with the manual system Weaknesses * time-consuming transactions * Inaccurate information of students and books * Space occupied by the card catalog cabinet and steel drawers. Opportunities * Increase number of enrollees * Increase number that utilized library. * Make faster and accurate transaction using computerized system Threats * Users are not familiar with the computerized system * Computerized system cannot function without electricity * Increase in expenditures, especially in electricity * Files can be corrupted by malware and viruses REVIEW OF RELATED SYSTEMS The UE Library System is a network of eleven libraries, with the Main Library in the Manila Campus as the biggest. There are separate libraries for the Graduate School, CPA Review School, the Colleges of Law, Dentistry and Engineering, the Laboratory Schools and the Archives, as well as special rooms for audiovisual services. There are two libraries in the Caloocan campus, the main library which is the Benjamin G. Chua Jr. Library and one for the College of Engineering. The Main Library in Manila is the hub of the entire system of libraries in the campus. It is the largest among the libraries in the system. It has sections for Circulation, Reserve, CCSS Library, Acquisitions, Cataloging, Reference, Filipiniana, and Periodicals, which are housed on the second, third and fourth floors of the POD-CIT Building. Bibliographic access to the library collections is through the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) terminals available in all the libraries. An Online Public Access Catalog or OPAC is an online database of materials held by a library or group of libraries. Users search a library catalog principally to locate books and other material physically located at a library. Users can search by inputting keywords and filter by subject, title, author and sometimes publisher and ISBN number. Additional filter may be according to the type of material, for example if it is a book, journal, magazine, thesis, newspaper, etc. Another filter is by location, if the library system is composed of several libraries like in University of the East. In the proposed system, the proponents will adopt the features similar to OPAC, but it will just be LAN-based. The student’s employees and alumni may search for the information and availability of the book according to the subject, title author, etc. and may choose to filter it by selecting the type of resource material. They may see if the book is on-shelf or not. Students and other borrowers may also use it for easy reference in making bibliography for their researches. University of San Carlos has a computerized library system. The main function of their library system is to correct information. Fast transaction and process in borrowing library materials, the services responsive to the needs of all university sectors relative curriculum and research. They are using barcode technology and swiping I. D in such an easy way to borrow and return book. Their library system has an easy to navigate feature and provide accurate reports such as user statistical report, inventory of book, list of book borrowed, penalty for the month, year, list of book per section etc. In the proposed system, the proponents will adopt the features similar to barcode technology and easy to navigate interface and can give accurate reports and eliminating human errors. Operational Definition of Terms Access Code * A sequence of letters or numbers that has to be read in to the allowed somebody to access to something such a building or telephone notebook. Accession Number * Usually auto number, it is a number assigned by the chief librarian to individual books they have in the library. Barcode Reader * It is an input device used to capture and read information contained in a bar code. Cataloguing * Is the process of preparing a catalog, or of preparing bibliographic records that will become entries in a catalog. Circulation * It engages transaction related to the circulation of periodical, books etc. and book check in and checks out. Computer Network * It is an interconnection of group of computers. Context Diagram * It illustrates the input and output between the systems. Database * Is an application that manages data and allows past storage and retrieval of data Data flow diagram * A process-modeling tool that depicts the flow of data through a system and the work or processing performed by the specific system. Keyword Searching * Allows you to retrieve information in a database by looking for the word or combination of words. Keywords can be used in general or specific, such as title or$ subject Library Card * It serves as a pass to the use of the library and its resources Librarian * Is a person who assists and helps the users in using the library services and manages all the library resources. Library * place where all books, newspaper and other reading materials were placed and a place where students can effectively study and gather information they need. Library card * A paper card that contains student’s information together with his/ her picture that serves as their pass to borrow a book in the library. Library System * Is a library that comprises of the interrelated, computerized parts such as catalog and circulates that works together to effectively serve the users. Manual System * Processing used amount of transaction without the use of computers Shelf * It is a piece of furniture used to store books and other material which is using in a research Student Number * It is a unique identification of each student in school. SWOT * Is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strength and weaknesses are internal factor. Opportunities and threats are external factor. CHAPTER III SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY Requirements specification Software Design coding Integration Testing Deployment Maintenance Figure Modified Waterfall Model The proponents chose to use the modified waterfall model for the development of the software because it is simple and easy to follow. Another reason is that modified waterfall model is suitable when the specification and requirements are clearly stated and static and the project is smaller in size. Since Library systems have the same requirement s as those of any other library systems, it is the ideal model to use. Modified waterfall model also has advantage to go back to previous stage if there are mistakes done in any phase. Requirements Specification One of the most important tasks in the development of is gathering and defining the requirements for the project. Software requirements specification means that researchers should have a basic understanding of what is going to be developed. The proponents conducted several interviews with the company to understand and identify the problems with their existing system and to specify what features they want the proposed system to have. The researchers also did studies about the related systems in order to know the real transactions and to have an idea on how to design the proposed system. Software design coding Determines the system’s framework to meet the specified requirements. The design defines the major components and the interaction of those components, but the design does not define the structure of each component. The proponents will do major coding in this phase. The proponents will divide the system into subsystems so that coding will be done by small parts and will later be integrated as a whole system. Integration Is the bringing together of the component subsystems into one system and ensuring that the subsystems function together as a system. It is also the process of linking together different computing systems and software applications physically or functionally. The proponents in this phase will now connect together the subsystems into one system. Testing Determines whether the software meets the specified requirements and finds any errors present in the code before deploying it. The proponents will test wither the system is working properly as one system and to detect errors before presenting it to Aguilar Catholic School. Deployment This is the phase of the project where the developed software will be installed, documentation will be delivered, and client training will occur. In this phase, the proponents will now deploy the equipment and the software in the library. They will have to connect the workstation of librarian and LAN base public access catalogue by the use of cables. Maintenance After the project is deployed, unexpected events can happen. This is why the proponents will continue maintenance and support as part of the software development process. This support will become an evolving process and is essential in making sure that the software continues to perform as expected. Figure 4. System Framework of Proposed System Figure 4 shows the details of the system, all its input and outputs which will be part of the system processes. Figure 5. Context Diagram of Proposed System Figure 6. Diagram 0 of Proposed System Testing and Evaluation Procedure After developing the system, the next step is to test and evaluate its acceptability. This section discusses how testing and evaluation is done. Evaluation Instrument The following were criteria of the evaluation instrument which will serve as the basis of the acceptable level of the system. Numerical Rating| Range| Descriptive Equivalent| 5| 4. 51 – 5. 00| Highly Acceptable| 4| 3. 51 – 4. 50| Acceptable| 3| 2. 51 – 3. 50| Moderately Acceptable| 2| 1. 51 – 2. 50| Slightly Acceptable| 1| 1. 00 – 1. 50| Not Acceptable| Content It will test the accuracy of the proposed prototype as well as its up to date contents. Functionality It includes comprehensively the ease from worries or problems in operation, provision for comfort and convenience and easy to understand by the end – users. Reliability In compliance to desire result, accuracy of performance, the system should be able to give the desired result to the possible end-user of the system. Availability The system will be able to perform operations according to the specifications, provision for security requirements and having all the required by the system. Maintainability It includes the testability of the system, ease of being maintained, provision for diagnostic tools and procedure, and provision enhancement. Statistical Treatment of Data In this section the results gathered from testing and evaluation was being interpreted using appropriate statistical tools. The proponents will set a criterion that specifically address to the end users and technical experts. 1 means Not Acceptable; 2 means Slightly Acceptable; 3 is for Moderately Acceptable; 4 is for Acceptable; and 5 Highly Acceptable. The accomplished testing and evaluation forms will be collected for interpreting its result. To compute the mean, Mean (M) = F (x1 + x2 + xn) / n Where F = Frequency of number of time that the given number(x) was chosen by the respondents as rating for a given criterion x1 , x2 , xn = represent any of the numerical rating 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. To compute the weighted mean, WM = ? F (x1 + x2 + xn) / n Where ? F (x1 + x2 + xn) / n = represents the sum of all means (M) of each criteria. n = is the total number of criteria of evaluation.
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