Thursday, May 21, 2020
Anthropology On The Internet And Social Transaction Evolves
Anthropology on the Internet I’d like to think online communities are just live-action communities on Adderall, bound by the same constraints but evolving at a breakneck pace. You see, on the internet every nook and cranny has its own culture. As in real life, the larger the community, the less peculiar the customs. This is both an advantage and a drawback. If small forum lend themselves to cliques, large ones lend themselves to atomization. I find the culture of the internet as fascinating as any, maybe even more so, because on the internet social transaction evolves fast as the internet connection, 234 bits per second. De facto the medium of the internet works as a kind of filter: Computers sit in the corners of rooms. People who accumulate on forums tend to come from a certain stock. That is to say they’re often of nerdy disposition. These are people who maybe exist on the margins of society. People who maybe worship things like Pokemon and Star Trek the way the average American worships football. Before I found the internet I might as well have been an alien. I wore two-inch thick glasses and shopped at thrift stores and had a familiarity only with pop-culture of the 90s, ten years too late, because I watched exclusively such shows as The X-Files and Star Trek: the Next Generation. You can imagine my excitement when I first came across tribesâ€â€entire swathes of peopleâ€â€who were happy, more than happy, to analyze the plot of TV shows or debate the particulars of extinctShow MoreRelatedInfluence Of International Culture On The Fashion Industry7108 Words  | 29 Pagesdiverse eras, the prospect to envisage their social status; profession, district personality and faith. (Crane, D 2000) In contemporary society, it has become an apparent theme and fiasco for people to express individualism through apparel, provoking an assortment of reactions. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
World History Final Exam 2013 - 1485 Words
1. Both Christians Muslims share what belief in God One god omnipotent 2. Buddhist religious statues found in China are examples of what? Cultural Diffusion 3. The Code of Hammurabi illustrates the laws of Babylonian society were influenced by lex talionis and what? Social Class structure – social inequalities 4. What of the following contributed to the fall of both the western Roman and the Han? Invasion by barbarian borderland tribes (Huns, Visigoths, Vandals) 5. Graph 6. Describe the major effects of the Bantu migrations? Diffusion of iron metallurgy across Sub Africa, Bantus language slash burn agriculture 7. Inca and Aztec societies were similar politically how Both expanded empires using the military 8. What†¦show more content†¦to 600 C.E. and the development of transatlantic trade routes in the period 1450 C.E. to 1600 C.E. were similar in that both depended on what Wind patterns (Atlantic Ocean’s wind wheel and Indian Ocean’s monsoon winds), ocean currents 32. Reading 33. Reading 34. Painting 35. Before 600 C.E., large centralized empires, such as the Han, Persian, and Roman empires, extended their military power by doing what? Built infrastructure – roads, bridges, defensive walls, expanded supply lines on safe roads 36. What factors represent the most significant cause of the growth of cities in Afro-Eurasia in the period 1000–1450 ? Increased interregional long distance trade 37. What type of evidence for research about the profits of Portuguese and British slave traders in the period 1600–1800 would be most useful? Slave traders receipts or account books of sales 38. The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries shared what in common? Revolutions and demands based on enlightenment ideas 39. The founding North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is best understood in the context of what post-world war 2 events? Cold War 40. Historians argue that the twentieth century marks a significant break in world history for what reasons? Petroleum, gas, population tripled, communism 41. What is true of both the Mughal and Ottoman empires in the sixteenth century? Big empires,Show MoreRelatedEssay Final Exam Questions740 Words  | 3 PagesHistory 1302 Final Exam Spring 2013 On the day of the final, the students will be told which two prompts they will be required to respond to in blue books that the students have provided to the instructor. Essays should show a great deal of thought and range between â€Å"short answers†and formal essays, leaning closer to the idea of an essay. The student may have one page of handwritten notes on a standard size sheet of paper (8 ½ X 11). 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Difference Between Group and Team Diversity and Dynamics Free Essays
The Difference between Group and Team Paper Difference between Group and Team Diversity and Dynamics Team The composition is planned and is set. People are recruited, groomed and trained or specific jobs that match their interest. People are recruited, groomed and trained or specific jobs that match their interests and the needs of the team. We will write a custom essay sample on Difference Between Group and Team Diversity and Dynamics or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each job has a specific set of skills. People with those skills or the ability to acquire them are recruited for the job. Teams have rookies and understudies who learn from those who are accomplished. They are preparing for the day they will lead. When people do not perform well, the team suffers. The team has ways of assisting the person or has systems for building their person’s skills or moving him or her to another position. The planning by teams is called practice, run-throughs, or rehearsals. No matter how talented any individual team member, everyone plans. Teams have rituals, routines, and ceremonies that everyone learns and shares. Teams regularly review performance. Teams often prepare for the next piece of work based on the evaluation of the last piece of work. Teams know at most times how they are doing – if they are winning, scoring, or moving toward their stated goals. Teams often establish â€Å"Halls of Fame†retiring an honored jersey. Those who have performed well are held in high esteem. Members of teams are easily recognizable. There are usually colors, logos, T-shirts, and most important, common slang, songs, language, and history to link them to each other and the team. Time is important to teams. Most events have specific starting and ending times. Teams are often judged by what they can accomplish within a certain time frame (Klein, 2009, p. 77-80). Teams understand how important it is to consider the fans, the audience, everyone affected by the game. Teams know and respect the game’s many stakeholders. Teams build team spirit into their plans and make sure to affirm and celebrate the work they accomplish together (Klein, 2009). Group The composition of the group changes from meeting to meeting – often without forethought. Members of groups are encouraged to take on jobs, positions, or tasks even if they are unprepared or not skilled in that area – and everyone knows it! People move in and out of jobs based on their inability to say no when asked. Little or no training or support is given by the group to individuals accepting jobs. . Leadership is often one-person deep, with the group highly dependent on a handful of people. When people either do not perform well or fail to perform at all, the group rarely acknowledges the failure. Groups often resist planning and use planning as corrective rather than proactive or preventive strategies. Planning is mostly done by a few people. Groups rarely create routine operations. Groups usually do not celebrate or debrief victories or defeats. Groups rarely assess their progress in achieving their stated goals or objectives in order to chart and measure their work. Groups rarely assess their progress in achieving their stated goals or objectives in order to chart and measure their work. Members of groups are often hard to identify. There’s rarely anything linking them to the group. Groups are often inconsistent in what time things start and end – especially meetings. Groups sometimes operate without thinking about their constituency (Klein, 2009, p. 77-80). Groups sometimes fail to develop a sense of team spirit. They assume everyone understands and works together. (Klein, 2009). Diversity and Dynamics Conclusion Reference Johnson, Heiman, O’Neal. (2000). ProQuest. Journal of workplace learning, Vol_. (12),Iss_4, Laroche, Lionel. (2009). ProQuest. CMA Management. Vol. (75). Iss. 2; p. 22-26. How to cite Difference Between Group and Team Diversity and Dynamics, Essay examples
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