Tuesday, December 31, 2019
A Distant Future By George Orwell - 951 Words
In a Distant Future In a dystopian version of the future, Winston tries to escape the shackles within him brought upon by the Party and the constant fear of the Thought Police. Even in the darkness that is casted by the totalitarian government, George Orwell continues to encompass life and possibility for a better future in the novel. After being taken into Room 101, the flaws of the Party are shown thus giving light to a brighter future. In George Orwell’s, 1984, the glimpse of pure humanity is shown through the characters of proles, singing woman, and the fall of Winston to envision a safer, sustainable future which can only be meet by the means of a governmental take over. The concept of proles plays a huge part in Orwell’s novel especially in the area of having the ability to take over Big Brother. Winston mentions the power of the proles numerous times in his writing by the means of revolting with brute force. If there was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there, in those swarming disregarded masses, eighty-five per cent of the population of Oceania could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated. The Party could not be overthrown from within. (60) Big Brother drills the concept of fear to the Inner Party to where Winston feels as if there is not one person who could over come the brainwashing and lead the Brotherhood in a take over. With proles making up a large percentile that are not being watched 24/7 by the government, Winston hopes for aShow MoreRelatedThe Dystopian Society in George Orwells Novel 1984 Essay469 Words  | 2 PagesIGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.†Part 1,Chapter 1,pg. 6. These three principles were repeatedly emphasized throughout the book and helped lay the foundation of the dystopian society George Orwell imagined in his novel 1984. Fear, manipulation, and control were all encompassed throughout this dystopian society set in the distant future. 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The research centers on the synopsis of the story, inspirations of both author and composer, performers in the opera, as well as its premiere and review. 1984: An Operatic Retelling of Orwell’s Dystopian Masterpiece. As the history of Opera has progressedRead MoreCritical Review of Animal Farm2575 Words  | 11 Pagesâ€Å"Animal Farm†Bibliography: Orwell, George. â€Å"Animal Farm.†New York: Penguin Books Ltd, 1989 Introduction and Summary: Animal farm is an animal fable with a deliberate purpose. It is very realistic about society and its politics. There are a number of conflicts in Animal Farm: the animals versus Mr. Jones, Snowball versus Napoleon, the common animals versus the pigs, Animal Farm versus the neighbouring humans, but all of them are expressions of the underlying tension between the oppressors
Monday, December 23, 2019
Why I Am My Writing - 957 Words
While I believed my writing to be concise, yet thorough in the beginning of the semester, it became clear to me that that was not the case. When entering EN3414, I had no knowledge of critical theories or how to use secondary sources to enhance my argument instead of carry it. I believed my heavy sentence phrasing to be an asset instead of a way to bury my argument beneath long thoughts. In EN3414, I was able to focus on taking my papers straight to my argument, to avoid useless sources or let them lead the paper instead of letting my argument carry the essay. And because I have learned to revise and rewrite my papers as many times as possible before they are due, I can no acknowledge the parts of my essay that are too heavy or that need to be expanded upon. As I finish this course I feel my writing is clear and concise, stating an idea and following that argument throughout the paper. Before taking Critical Writing and Research Literary Studies, my writing, while rather average, was enough to enable success in composition and survey courses; however, it was not advanced enough for this class. The writings for composition or survey classes were organized, but lacked a depth or clear argument. While the topics would be clear and covered, there would be little to no in-depth analysis and more of a skimming above the surface. Even in longer papers, the depth of my argument was never really deep enough, and while it was enough for the beginning courses, it clearly became aShow MoreRelatedHow Do You Typically Go About Preparing For A Writing Assignment Essay980 Words  | 4 Pages1. How do you typically go about preparing for a writing assignment? Describe the steps you take, including rereading the assignment, asking questions about it, talking to instructors or friends, jotting down ideas, gathering information, and so on. How far in advance of the due date do you usually begin working on the assignment? Typically, I look at the assignment as soon as I can before the due date in order to begin the brainstorming process. This could be three months or two days prior toRead MoreMy Writing As A Writer1700 Words  | 7 PagesWhat kind of writer am I? That’s a trick question for which there is not a satisfactory answer. My experience with writing has never been my favorite. In fact, English has always been my least favorite subject. Studying math and science is what I enjoy; these have come rather easy for me. English, for some reason I will never understand, has always required extra effort for me actually to do well. Sure, there have been plenty of times that I have been required to write a few research papers, severalRead MoreThe Reasons Why Writing Is a Part of Me Essay728 Words  | 3 Pagesseveral ways I feel open when it comes to writing. First, I have been writing since I was a little girl. Next, I have journal writing in school; finally, my true feeling about writing assignments. When it comes to writing it makes me feel good as a person. It helps me express my feelings in a better way. I would rather write the way I feel about things than talking it out. I feel that I am heard when someone reads what have I wrote. If I could write things down in every situation that I am in; I would.Read MoreWriting And Writing Of The Semester Til Now And I983 Words  | 4 Pagesstrategies that I have used from the beginning of the semester til now and I can say that I have improved on many things from writing and composing processes to seeing the improvements of my works and how many of the activities from this course has made me change the way I think of writing papers. Since the beginning of this semester and course, my writing and composing processes have changed dramatically from an unorganized system of writing to a more improved writing system. 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You want to be able to reach that next rung and you try very hard, but somehow you just cant reach it. I seem to be having that problem. Right now, as I write, Im not exactly sure Im reaching the goal of thisRead MoreWhy I Am A Writer1299 Words  | 6 Pages After I graduated from college three years ago, I wanted to quickly break into the writing world. I knew I had a writer s mind and a writer s blood, yet I didn t acknowledge the true commitment it took to become a good writer. I experienced many months of harsh rejection after submitting my stories to various literary magazines and began to realize what it takes: constant hard work, constant revising, a thick skin and, mostly, never giving up. It’s then that I finally started focusingRead MoreI Am Confident For My Writing1118 Words  | 5 PagesWriting has never been my strong suit so I understood why I had been placed into EWRT 211. Before this class I had not written an essay since I was a junior in high school (six years ago). 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Stop trying too hard because the result will always be the same despite of the effort I put in. I have tried to wheedle myself believing that I can do better, but so far there is no change in the outcome. Time is running out and hopes of making a change are dying and I am tempted to simply throw in the towel, and succumb to the defeat. It feels like am trying to catch the wind. Why is this so hard difficult for me? All I want is to make a step in En glish. To prove that I too
Sunday, December 15, 2019
My Name Free Essays
As per the Chinese tradition, I was named by my grandfather after the Princess of Wales, Lady Diana Spencer, who was well known for her grace, beauty, and generosity of spirit. I was born in America, although my origin is Chinese. My grandfather felt that it was necessary for him to give me a name that sounds American (or European) in origin. We will write a custom essay sample on My Name or any similar topic only for you Order Now  The name, Diana, felt appropriate also because it is a popular name among the Chinese (â€Å"Chinese Culture†). This name was derived from an old Indo-European root with the meaning, heavenly or divine (â€Å"Diana†). Perhaps this is the reason why I am never offended when my friends often call me â€Å"Dee†or â€Å"Di.† I know that Lady Diana Spencer, too, was often referred to as Lady Di. All the same, it is perhaps the sacredness of the meaning of my name, Diana, that saves me from feeling insulted when I am called, â€Å"Di†(pronounced as â€Å"Die†). In short, I have never had a problem identifying with my first name. It is only my last name, Ng, that has given me some trouble, seeing that it is almost impossible for a person with American (or European) origin to read it correctly, unless of course he or she has conducted some research on the pronunciation of Chinese names. Hence, unfortunately, there are few people I know outside my family that pronounce my last name correctly. Chinese last names are patrilineal. In other words, they are passed from fathers to their children. Chinese women are also typically known to retain their birth surnames after marriage (â€Å"Chinese Surname†). Although I may or may not retain my last name after marriage, the mere fact that the last name is traditionally known to be significant enough to be used throughout one’s lifetime, gives me the reason to respect my own last name unconditionally. This is despite the fact that many people mispronounce my last name, Ng, as â€Å"Nig†or simply call me Miss N- G. People have additionally made fun of my last name by remarking that NG stands for either â€Å"no good†or â€Å"not given.† Even so, I continue to honor my traditions and my family name. I understand that Ng is an unusual last name in America, and difficult to pronounce because it lacks a vowel. Moreover, I have felt annoyed at people’s mispronunciation of my last name, and their mockery of it. Ng was translated from Cantonese, and in Mandarin it is Wu. The name has various other dialect variants such as Wone, Wong, Bong, Huynh, Hoang, Hwang, Oei, Oi, Ooi, Uy, Wee, and Ong (â€Å"Family Name: Wong†). Unsurprisingly, all of the dialectical variants are transliterated and pronounced differently. Furthermore, because of the different pronunciations and romanizations, it is generally easy for the people of Chinese origins to tell whether a person using a different dialectical variant of a last name is from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Southeast Asia including Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia (â€Å"Chinese Surname†). Many of my cousins in America have changed the last name to Eng in order to make it easier for others to pronounce. I do not change it because I am quite attached to the idea of preserving good old family traditions. According to Scott Edward Harrison, Chinese names in the original script are relatively problem free only for those who are familiar with the written language. But when those names are transliterated based on established standards of transliteration, some intelligibility may be lost. This is certainly true with my last name. So, even though my last name is often mocked or mispronounced, I do not overreact to the insult because I have perfect understanding of the nature of the problem. Had Chinese writing been popular in America, nobody would have had a problem saying my last name. What is more, I have firm trust in the fact that Americans do not mean to harm or humiliate me by saying my last name incorrectly, or using it inappropriately. I do believe that the people I know respect and honor me as an individual. Fortunately, in America one’s personal strengths are more important than one’s origins or name. Hence, I have never really felt like a misfit, or suffered maladjustment in any way. One variant of my last name, Wong or Huang, is known as the seventh most common last name in China (â€Å"List of Common Chinese Surnames†). The name is also used by many people in Vietnam, and almost one million in Korea. Moreover, approximately two million Chinese people settled overseas are known to be using at least one dialect variant of my last name (â€Å"Family Name: Wong†). According a 1987 study, there are more than four hundred and fifty surnames in use in Beijing (â€Å"Chinese Surname†). Knowing that my last name, including its dialectic variants, is among the most popular Chinese names, makes it even easier for me to feel at ease with respect to my last name. Works Cited 1Chinese Culture. â€Å"Diana.†Retrieved from http://chineseculture.about.com/library/name/female/blna_diana.htm. (14 February 2007). 2.  â€Å"Chinese Surname.†Wikipedia (2007, February). Retrieved http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_surname. (14 February 2007). 3.â€Å"Diana.†Behind the Name: The Etymology and History of First Names (1996). Retrieved from http://www.behindthename.com/. (14 February 2007). 4.  â€Å"Family Name: Wong.†Retrieved from http://www.generasian.ca/roots_wong.html. (14 February 2007). 5. Harrison, Scott Edward. â€Å"Chinese Names in English.†Cataloging Classification Quarterly, Volume 15, Issue 4 (1993, February). â€Å"List of Common Chinese Surnames.†Wikipedia (2007, February). Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_Chinese_surnames. (14 February 20 How to cite My Name, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Weddings in Malaysia free essay sample
The representative of the groom, typically a male relative, is usually accompanied by a small entourage bearing trays of gifts including, among others, a betelnut leaves arrangement, an engagement ring and sweets. On the morning of the wedding day the bride and groom will perform a special ablution bath as required in Islam. The focus of a traditional Malay wedding is the akad nikah or marriage vow, which is overseen by the imam in front of witnesses. The imam then will confirm with the witnesses if the vow was clearly heard and once they confirm this, he will lead the congregation with a doa to conclude the ceremony and ask for blessings from God. In some respect, the traditional Malay wedding ceremony bears similarity to the Indian wedding ceremony. Before the advent of Islam, Hindu was the most prolific religion in this region and this has been attributed to these similarities, which include, among others, the mandi lulur. We will write a custom essay sample on Weddings in Malaysia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Like the Indians, a day before the wedding, traditional Malay bride and groom would often partake in a mandi lulur – a special bath scrub whose ingredients includes turmeric powder – in their respective homes. The majlis berinai – whereby the bride will have henna applied onto her hands and feet – is also reminiscent of the mehndi ceremony in an Indian wedding. The bersanding ceremony, highly similar to the use of mandapa in Indian weddings, is also an important aspect of a traditional Malay wedding. This is when the couple becomes a ‘King for the Day’. While the akad nikah might take a half hour at the most, the bersanding ceremony may take longer, depending on the number of guests and family members who wish to partake in the tepung tawar or blessing, anointing the couple’s upturned palms with scented water, pandan potpurri and rice. Similarly, Thursday evenings are considered by both the Malays and the Indians as an auspicious day to hold a wedding. The Indian wedding ceremony is perhaps the most elaborate. Strict wedding customs require that the bride and the groom (and at times, their immediate family members) keep to a strictly vegetarian diet several days before the wedding. This is in respect to the Hindu religion practised by the majority of Indians in Malaysia. Before the wedding, the mehndi or henna is applied onto to the bride’s hands and feet to ward off evil. The bride then dons the sari and jewellery, gifts from her future husband on the day of their engagement, and makes her way to the temple. Bright hues of yellow, red, orange, peacock blue and green are favoured as they are believed to bring good luck and blessing to the occasion, while white and black – considered to be mourning colours – are generally avoided. Steeped in ancient Vedic customs, a traditional Hindu wedding involves extensive prayers and ceremonial acts. Elaborate in rituals and prayers the actual wedding ceremony itself comprises some ten rites. But the central part of the Hindu wedding is the agni parinaya. Agni parinaya is the circumambulation of fire – which symbolises divine witness to the marriage while all the time reciting a Vedic chant. The completion of this agni parinaya is concluded with a prayer that the marriage is indissoluble and the groom ends the ceremony with the tying of the thali on his bride’s neck, an act greeted with loud traditional music, clapping and congratulations from the guests. The bridesmaid plays and important role in an Indian wedding, thus she is one of the individuals to receive a gift from the groom’s party. The priest is given a gift of a dhoti (a traditional suit for men) and fresh vegetables by way of thanks for his service. A unique aspect of Hindu wedding is the post-wedding games engaged by the bride and her new family to break the ice and make her feel belonged with her new family. Auspicious days for weddings are during the period of the waxing moon particularly during the Ponggal festival (harvest festival). Like the mandi lulur preceding a Malay wedding, the bride and groom in an Indian wedding partake in their own ablution ritual in the morning of the wedding, in their respective homes. A ritual bath is accompanied by anointment of scented oils, turmeric and sandalwood paste, which not only serves to exfoliate and soften the skin but also lends it a pleasant fragrance. Traditional Chinese weddings encompass the three letters (betrothal letter, gift letter and wedding letter) and six etiquette (proposal, divination of birth dates, confirmation, presentation of gifts, choosing of wedding date, and acceptance of marriage) between the two families. The matchmaker plays a pivotal role, acting as the main go-between for the two families. Red – a colour symbolising prosperity to the Chinese – fills the house of the bride. The central act in a Chinese aside from the wedding act itself, is the tea ceremony. This is a ritual that places the parents, above all else. The ceremony is also a symbol of respect. Before the arrival of the groom, the bride offers tea to both her parents in way of thanks for having raised her. This is done on her own without her groom or the bridesmaid. Once this ceremony is completed, the groom will arrive and with the help of his best man, plead, pay, haggle, sweet-talk their way into the bride’s house with much merriment and teasing from relatives and friends – a light-hearted moment shared in a traditional Malay wedding. This is followed by the wedding ceremony itself, which is a relatively simple affair with the bride and groom paying homage to Heaven and Earth, the Kitchen God and family ancestors, asking for blessings for the union. Unlike the Malay or Hindu wedding, a traditional Chinese wedding does not normally involve a priest. This is followed by a tea ceremony between the newlyweds and the groom’s parents, which basically completes the wedding. Three days after the wedding, it is customary for the newlyweds to pay a visit to the bride’s parents where she will be received and treated as a guest. In Malaysia, though at a glance, the ceremony and content of each ethnic traditional marriage is different, there exist similarities and parallels between them. Both the Indian and Malay wedding guests receive a token gift for attending the wedding. While the Malays traditionally give away the practical gift of bunga telur (basically a boiled egg) to their guests symbolising a fertile union, those at an Indian wedding receives sweets reflecting and reaffirming the sweetness of the occasion. Haggling for passage to get to his bride is a light-hearted rite shared by the Malay and Chinese weddings. Both the Malay and Chinese wedding announces the arrival of the groom with loud accompaniment of the kompang and firecrackers respectively. Although traditional marriages across the three ethnic groups can still be found, more and more of the younger generation is opting for a simpler wedding with minimum fuss, in hand with an increasingly hectic lifestyle. The application of mehndi, believed to ward off evil, is slowly being edged aside by the more eye-catching body-art designs. Tempered by the call for moderation in Islam, the Malay weddings of late are moderate affairs whereby more and more of the younger Malay couples opt to not have the bersanding ceremony, while the token gifts for guests have changed from the traditional bunga telur to chocolates, sweets and potpourri. The divination of the birth dates for the bride and groom is as important to the Chinese as it is to the Indians, but is a process slowly being swallowed by time.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Japan Is A Constitutional Monarchy With A Parliamentary Government. Th
Japan is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government. The country's constitution was made on May 3, 1947 right when the U.S. took control of Japan following World War II. Under the constitution, Japan has universal adult suffrage with a secret ballot for all elective offices. Which basically means that all legal adults in the country can vote privately. Just like the U.S. their government is made up of an executive branch responsible to the legislative branch and an independent judicial branch. The national parliament, a.k.a The Diet, is made up of (somewhat like the U.S.) two houses: a House of Representatives (lower house) of 500 members and a House of Councillors (upper house) of 252 members. Executive power is given to a cabinet made up of a prime minister and ministers of state. Although, all of those prime ministers and ministers of state have to be civilians. The prime minister must be a member of The Diet, usually in the House of Representatives, and is chosen by his others in that house. The prime minister has the power to appoint and remove ministers, and mostly all have have to be Diet members. Japan's judicial system, which, again, is based off of the U.S.traditions, consists of several levels of courts, and the Supreme Court is the final judicial authority or the court that has the last word in any judicial issue. The constitution includes a bill of rights similar to the United States Bill of Rights, and the Supreme Court has the right of judicial review. Japanese courts do not employ a jury, and there are no administrative courts or claims courts like we have in the U.S. Court decisions are made with legal statutes; only Supreme Court decisions have any direct effect on later issues of the law. Japan does not have a federal system. It mostly depends heavily on the central government for help. Governors of regions in Japan(like the 50 states in the U.S.), mayors of large cities or towns, and state and city wide assembly members are popularly elected for four-year terms. In the lower house of the Diet, 300 members are elected in single-member districts and another 200 members are elected on equally in 11 regions of the country. Lower house members serve for four years, or until the prime minister changes the Diet, basically, whichever comes first. In the upper house, 152 members are elected in regional districts, while 100 are elected in nation-wide balloting. Upper house members serve for six years. The lower house is the more powerful of the two parliamentary houses. If the upper and lower houses cant agree on the choice of prime minister, the lower house takes charge, and budgets and treaties can be passed only with action by the lower house. Japan is a multiparty democracy that has experienced great stability in the postwar period. From 1955 until 1993, the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) ruled Japan without interruption. During that period, the main opposition party in the Diet was the Japan Socialist Party (JSP), which relied heavily on Japan's labor unions for support, and which in recent years has experienced a sharp decline in popularity. In 1993, a multiparty alliance took control without the LDP. However, the LDP was returned to power in June 1994 in an unpredictable alliance with the JSP and a small party, the Sakigake. In January, 1995 the LDP reclaimed the prime minister's chair, when Ryutaro Hashimoto replaced his JSP alliance partner, Tomiichi Murayama. Currently the largest parties in the parliament are the New Frontier Party and the Democratic Party of Japan, formed in 1996; all political parties except the Japan Communist Party (JCP) support the security alliance between the United States and Japan.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Perils of Slinging Slang
The Perils of Slinging Slang The Perils of Slinging Slang The Perils of Slinging Slang By Mark Nichol To slang, or not to slang? First, it’s important to make a distinction between slang and genre dialect. If you’re writing crime noir set during the Depression, your readers are going to expect some gaudy patter about gats and dames and gin joints. And if your novel is set in the Old West, there’s going to be a lot of shootin’ and ridin’ and â€Å"pardner†this and â€Å"stranger†that. But you have to strike a balance an excess of slang within dialect will easily tip homage into parody. And, prithee, don’t clutter your medieval romance or high fantasy with feverishly filigreed language that would require subtitles if it were to be adapted to film. A more immediate danger, however, is in incorporating contemporary lingo or catchphrases into fiction that takes place in the present or in nonfiction about a current topic. Ten years on, â€Å"Not that there’s anything wrong with that†or â€Å"Not so much†still work, but they’re getting stale. Soon, they’ll likely be as irrelevant as those everything-but-the-kitchen-sink parody movies like Scary Movie and Epic Movie, where look-alike cameos of pop-culture 15-minute wonders pop up randomly, with hilarity presumably ensuing. Some years back, I read a detective novel featuring a black private eye in which the narrative and the dialogue alike were laced with â€Å"Aaaiiiiight†and other African American elocution. It was less annoying than you might think (the authenticity was actually refreshing), but the novelty was just that in retrospect, an ephemeral affectation. The medium for which you write will determine the shelf life of slang. Online publication can be almost instantaneous, but it lives on forever, and the slang therein soon loses its luster. Newspaper readers are more forgiving, because they’re consuming the paper’s news and feature articles in the moment, but a magazine article sees print up to several months after submission (and people are likely to hold on to periodicals than papers), and books and film scripts are written a year or more before they hit the shelves and screens. Some slang lives forever booze and â€Å"beat it†are each hundreds of years old and occasionally a slang term (mob, for example, or lousy) becomes part of standard speech, but be prudent about incorporating slang into your writing; individual writers who nominate rad or groovy for posterity when something with the staying power of cool is available risk distracting their readers with an unintentional verbal equivalent of a speed bump. Slang can also be misinterpreted, or may at least interfere with comprehension, as language shifts. The context will probably help your readers understand what you mean by tranny, but as the diminutive of transvestite overtakes that for transmission in terms of frequency of use, any employment of it for the latter meaning outside of a car magazine may elicit an interruption of concentration. The ubiquity of slang in spoken discourse inures us to it, but when it is sealed in print or online like a pressed flower, it may lose its bloom, so chill, aaaiiiiight? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a US Business LetterYay, Hooray, Woo-hoo and Other Acclamations3 Types of Essays Are Models for Professional Writing Forms
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Being a Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Being a Manager - Essay Example Their rises through the ranks are discussed at length from their points of view as expressed during the interviews and in summary; it is found that the management escalator model fits with their career advancements. In any organizations, the role of management is crucial in ensuring the smooth running of activities and day to day operations, it is for these purpose that certain individuals; by virtue of their academic qualification, experience or both occupy management positions in most firms either formerly or informally (Reh, n.d). Specific duties of managers vary in different firms; nonetheless, managers are generally tasked with the responsibility of planning, monitoring and directing the efforts of a group of individuals place under him/her. They may direct works through supervisors or do it directly, however for one to be an effective manager, they needs must be familiar not only with the workers or supervisors, but also with the jobs, which they do. This is not to say they mus t be the best at any, or all the duties carried out by their subordinates many, who are specialists, however, they should have some understanding of the working of the different departments to be able to synchronize their activities as well as to direct the efforts. Managers specialize in is in knowing how to manage the resources at their disposal in their particular organizations and departments, and this mostly means human resource, however they also oversee the use of other resources such as money and equipment (York 2009, 185). In many organizations, managers emerge from the teams therein especially individuals who prove they have not only the requisite skills and experience but also leadership skills. Thus it is possible a specialist or technician to escalate to the top of the ranks and become a manager, they will apply not only their technical skills but acquired experience and judgment as well as familiarity with firm procedures to run their respective departments (Richard 20 01, 17). In this essay, focus will be on management and based on how the managerial escalator (Rees and Porter, 2001) applies to the career experiences of two managers who have made it to management levels from the bottom. The term managerial escalator refers to the progression of responsibilities in a firm gradually from technical or specialist to managerial positions gradually through time to help employees acquire the managerial skills while honing their technical skills. Initially, specialists spend a major fraction of their time in the organization engaged in their fields of specialization, however , the more competent specialist or those who show leadership potential gradually acquire supervisory duties, albeit informally at times. This is because leadership skills are necessary in a manager, these can be seen in their behavior and attitudes, and they are used to determine if he/she is capable of taking charge and responsibility of a team (Wilson et al, 2006, 21). The promotio n of the best performers can often be attributed to the fact that most organizations run on a reward system, however employees who gain academic credentials such as master’s degree substantial improve their chances of â€Å"escalation†. The transition from technician to management is takes time and this can be as much as 5 to 10 years or as little as one year, depending on the organization’s structure. Specialist may begin to acquire more responsibilities than their peers and even seniors based on their competence
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sports activities Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sports activities - Article Example There are several membership types for the students, staff, faculty as well as the community in general. All sports facilities are situated on campus and hence, there is standard traffic as well as parking guidelines; furthermore, groups for their sporting events, conferences, meetings, as well as for other events and occasions can assess facility space easily. There are a number of sports clubs available and the first one is badminton; moreover, its major purpose is to promote Badminton within the university. In addition, the team practices regularly at North Gym located at the Recreation and Physical Activity Center; moreover, it participates in Midwest region’s tournaments. Volleyball is also a club within the university and it is for both women and men. The sports club’s aim is to maintain and to enhance volleyball skills of the players. Furthermore, the sports club holds several tournaments all through the season. Rugby is also one of the sporting clubs within the university and it has teams for males and females as well. Both rugby veterans and new members are eligible to join the team; furthermore, there are several teams for each individual depending on the skills of individuals. Besides, the teams have coaches who are highly dedicated to the team and every individual is eligible to join the teams given that no prior experience is needed. Soccer is among the sports club within Ohio State University and it is divided into two, women’s soccer team as well as men’s soccer team. The teams play actively in three seasons during the fall, winter as well as during the spring; furthermore, all individuals are free to join the teams. In addition, dance sport is a very interesting club in Ohio State University; it is also a social club and a highly competitive dancing club within The Ohio State University. The club teaches all dancers, even those who have no experience at all; moreover, they have
Monday, November 18, 2019
IKEA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
IKEA - Case Study Example Now, employees need motivation because it gives them more reason to work, other than the fact that they need to earn their fixed salaries. They need to have more reasons to get up everyday, go to work and try their best in their tasks. It is important to understand employee behavior because without this, companies would definitely lose profit and gain a deficit in their output. IKEA, a Swedish home furnishings retailer, is known as the world's largest designer and retailer of well-designed, inexpensive, and functional furniture for the home. (IKEA: A Natural Step Case Study 1998) A Dutch-registered organization runs IKEA and it has put in 15% improvement annually in this past ten years. INGKA Holding BV (the umbrella company of IKEA) is wholly owned by the Stitching INGKA Foundation, a non-profit foundation registered in the Netherlands. Millions of customers visit their 378 stores in about 36 countries, with 30 more set to open this year. Most of these stores are located in Asia, Europe, Canada, Australia and the United States. About 11, 000 products in IKEA's line are shown in the 80 million catalogues that they distribute. As for the manufacturing itself, IKEA does this in their own production facilities with the help of their 2400 suppliers in 65 countries. IKEA also boasts of having a hold of employees totaling to 36, 400. In 1943, IKEA was founded by Ingvar Kamprad, then a 17 year-old boy in Sweden. IKEA is an acronym comprising the initials of the founder's name (Ingvar Kamprad), the farm where he grew up (Elmtaryd), and his home county (Agunnaryd, in Smland, South Sweden). (Wikipedia 2008) Kamprad shortly transformed his venture into a mail order service which sells furniture. In 1953, he opened the first IKEA showroom. His primary strategy was to allow for the creation of ground-breaking furniture which would give customers the ease to construct the products themselves and purchase them at an affordable price too. Now, the IKEA employees are at the customers' disposal for inquiries and such but the customers are free to select, order, take and construct what furniture they pick. The money saved by IKEA in expenditures was used to give customers discounts. Not long after, the stores got bigger and eventually started to carry eating places like restaurants and recreational facilities for children like play areas. Kamprad distinctively said in December 1976 that "What is good for our customers is also good for us in the long run." (IKEA: A Natural Step Case Study 1998) What IKEA does Since 1990, IKEA has shown interest and action in putting forth an environmental thrust. With their Natural Step Framework, they aim to create a proper environmental plan. The said plan in effect brings about changes in IKEA's products and services in order to conform to their frameworks principles and demands. In 1992, the environmental policy was transformed into an Environmental Action Plan describing concrete and practical measures for the mid-1990s. (IKEA: A Natural
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Management and company overview of easyjet
Management and company overview of easyjet EasyJet has make the most of successful marketing strategies through the a range of channels available, in order to set up and uphold a control position in the low-cost airline industry. One of the great business success stories of the past five years has been the launch of the easyJet airline company (Dixon, 2000). To make easy our analysis of this purpose, we not only researched EasyJet and its marketing operation adopted over the years, but also identified the main strategies used by the other leading competitors. EasyJet has frequently tried to identify itself to its customer base as the best form of budget travel in Europe. The company known the demand for this form of travel and its marketing strategies have been first and foremost geared around providing more efficient, low-cost flights, at the same time as maintaining as a high a quality of service as possible. Easy Jet needs to concentrate on maintaining its established market leadership.Miles and Snows theory of the Four Business Strategies would suggest easy Jet should move towards being an Analyser from a Prospector. To enhancing their market power both long and short-term ,Easy Jet should look to move into newer mediums for advertising, primarily using television broadcasting. Easy jet need to keep on designing new ways advancing to other ways of its competence and mobilizing within their wide employee base. Easy Jet need to further consider and by fomenting such other dimensions of this business, will help out maintain another key element which still, other rivals fail to be familiar with. Easy jet should keep on hold Its new style of advertising which can be with the help out of its existing customers. That can make things easy for Easy Jet to get to know who are the customers that are brand loyal and can use them for their advertising by providing some special offers and discounts to them. INTRODUCTION Easy Jest airline is one of the best budget or low price airline, which offer cheap flight to an increasing number of destinations around the world. It was established in 1995. It was launched by the son of Greek Shipping tycoon Stelios Haji-loannou who came to England in 1984, with two leased Boeing 737-200 aircraft. EasyJets base in London was low-rent Luton Airport, formerly used only by charter operations. (A large part of easyJets strategy was the use of secondary airports, but not as out-of-the-way as those served by the Irish discount carrier Ryanair.) Easy Jet first linked London with Glasgow (beginning November 10, 1995) and Edinburgh (two weeks later) via two leased planes. Aberdeen was added in January 1996. Answers.com In the beginning booking was by telephone only, Stelios Haji-loannou used to hate the internet and says that The Internet is for nerds, it will never make money for my business!. From this small beginning Easy jet grew rapidly, In August 1999, the site counted for 38% of tickets sales or over 135,000 seats. Stelios Haji-loannou was suggested by Russell Sheffield of Tableau one of the Easy jets design and adverting agencies in December 1997, that he should consider carrying out tests a website for direct bookings. On the other hand East jets marketing director and business manager; they saw the probable and approved a website specific phone number advertised on the site can be used to trace the volume of users on the site. Haji-loannous saw the results and change his mind, and Easy Jet commissioned Tableau as partners to develop as e-commerce website capable of offering real time online booking from April 1998. In 1998 Haji-loannou invested a total of $90 million in the company, which had ordered a dozen new Boeing 737s worth  £500 million. Online booking were handled by Tableau. Over 75% of its sales are sold directly though the website. The results have been quick and sustainable growth in the face of firm competition from the big companies. It has broken the mould assumed for low-cost airlines, operation a modern and expanding fleet intensively on competitive routes. Easy Jet strategies are bold and adventurous rather than risky. The Company takes few real risks, as it applies sound business principles at the same time as carefully exploring the market. SITUATION ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is a tool for inspecting an organization and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps out marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths: characteristics of the business or team that give it an advantage over others in the industry. Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the firm at a disadvantage relative to others. Opportunities: external chances to make greater sales or profits in the environment. Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors. Its o goal is to identify the project its internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that goal. SWOT analysis may be incorporated into the strategic planning model. Strategic planning has been the subject of much research. It is specific helpful in identifying area for development. SWOT analysis of Easy Jet Strengths The corporate culture at Easy Jet is that of informality and adaptability. The company favors a flat hierarchy whereby the management work closely with those below them in the chain of command. Employees are given responsibility to make decisions themselves. This empowerment is not only eliminates wasteful layers, ensures any situation is dealt with as quickly base possible but is also thought to increase employee motivation. WriteWork.com Essays and writing guides for students n.d Strength Financial growth was solid in Easy Jet, In 2005 Profit was improved by 9.1% over the previous years and the total amount before tax was  £67.6. Number of passenger increased by 21.4% to 29.6% million and revenue raised per sear by 78 pence to  £38.66. The brand name is strong It built its name on the back of the founder Mr. Stelios Haji-Loannou. It bright orange airlines and online booking system which lead to the strap line, The Company has become media friendly and identical with low cost travel. Easy Jet airlines strategy paying attention Focus on our customers, Own our markets and Reduce costs, which has remained strong. Easy Jet presents an online promotion alert which is e-mailed to existing customers and contact on the companys database. Easy Jet runs a fast and competent service with an average turnaround time of 30 minutes or below. This makes possible for them to preserve a reliable and hassle free service to their passengers. Weakness Domestic air travel is a tremendously competitive industry with Easy Jets main competitors being Jet2, BMI Baby, Ryan Air plus a host of smaller independent competitors. These external competitive forces can confine and shape pricing policy on some of Easy Jets less profitable routes as they search for to compete with their competitors. The other important thing which Easy Jet can be its weakness is that they do not offer the service of free food on longer flights of more than two hours. Opportunities Possible opening of options routes to main cities in Europe. A key route could be from Dublin to the UK, as this has a large potential for travelers going to soccer matches in the UK and new links into corporate flyers to and from the UK. Updated versions of the fly on the wall documentaries would provide the brand with more coverage and publicity. Offering of free refreshments and food on flights with a travel time more than two hours, this would offer an extra advantage and comfort to passengers making their experience with Easy Jet all the more comfortable and enjoyable. Threat Pricing is very threat to Easy Jet Company because competitors flying the same routes compete very competitively on price forcing pressure on margin on more popular flights and time slots. Economic slump may lead to reduce in casual flyers and corporate travel as companies seek to limit what they see as unnecessary expenses and in turn make less business trips. Outside market forces can have a major impact on Easy Jets business, Example; the rising cost of oil can have a major impact on running costs putting major pressure on the profitability of less popular routes and time slots. PEST analysis is very important that an organization considers its environment before beginning the marketing process. In fact, environmental analysis should be continuous and feed all aspects of planning. The organizations marketing environment is made up from PEST analysis, the acronym PEST stands for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological it is used to describe a framework for the analysis of the micro environmental factors Political factors are how and to what level a government interfere in the economy. Particularly, political factors take in areas such as tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political factors may also include goods and services which the government wants to provide or be provided advantages and those that the government does not want to be provided disadvantages. In addition, governments have vast influence on the health, education, and infrastructure of a nation. Economic factors on Easy Jet include economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the inflation rate. These factors have main collision on how businesses function and make decisions. For example, interest rates affect a firms cost of capital and therefore to what extent a business grows and expands. Exchange rates affect the costs of exporting goods and the supply and price of imported goods in an economy Social factors include the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Movements in social factors affect the demand for a companys products and how that company operates. For example, an aging population may entail a smaller and less-willing workforce , thus increasing the cost of labor. In addition, Easy Jet Company may change various management strategies to adapt to these social trends. Technological factors include technological aspects such as, automation, technology motivation and the rate of technological change. They can decide obstruction to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. Additionally, technological shifts can affect costs, quality, and lead to innovation. Environmental factors include ecological and environmental aspects such as weather, climate, and climate change, which may especially have an effect on industries such as tourism, farming, and insurance. Additionally, growing awareness of the potential impacts of climate change is affecting how companies operate and the products they offer, both creating new markets and moving back or destroying existing ones. Legal factors include discrimination law, consumer law, antitrust law, employment law, and health and safety law. These factors can affect how a company operates, its costs, and the demand for its products. Segmental analysis: The geographical analysis of turnover is as follows: Area 2001 2000 Within United Kingdom 86,545 73,008 Between United Kingdom rest of Europe 244,764 177,141 Within rest of Europe 25,550 13,545 Financial analysis: eMARKETING STRATEGY A strategy is long term plan of action aimed at achieving a particular result. Plans pass on to the instantaneous actions taken to implement a strategy. Strategy also can be defined as the first step to implement in the planning. eMarketing is the procedure of marketing a brand using the Internet. Whether the business is purely an online entity or a traditional business taking its first cautious steps into the digital realm, the marketers team will guide in formulating the most suitable Internet marketing strategy to accomplish the business objectives. Importance of developing an effective e-marketing strategy is indicated by Michael Porter (2001) who has said: The key question is not whether to deploy Internet technology companies have no choice if they want to stay competitive but how to deploy it. Strategy Competitive strategy is at the heart of the field of strategic management.Easy Jet ran its first Internet only promotion in a newspaper in The Times in February 1999, with remarkable results. Easy Jets early marketing strategy was based on making flying as affordable as a pair of jeans and urged travelers to cut out the travel agent. Its early promotion consisted of little more than the airlines telephone booking number painted in bright orange on the side of its aircraft. The scalability of the Internet help out deal with demand since everyone was directed to the web site rather than the company needing to employ an extra 250 telephone operators. Though, risk management did occur with a micro site built for Times readers (www.times.easyjet.com) to keep away from putting a damage on easy Jets main site. Flight promotions are intended to avoid attracting people who had fly with Easy Jet, so advance booking schemes are proposed to attain that. Book in advance for cheap seats The basic principle is that the cheapest seats are sold first, but the approaches to give way management do differ between the airlines. Easy Jet almost completely first-come, first-served, with few special offers or sales. Figure. 1 Showing Booking in Advance Thirty Percent of seats were sold online, with the rest of transaction being completed by phone, 13,000 orders were taken over the Internet in the first day alone with over 15,000 people on the site at one point. This plan made Easy Jet make more profit, five week later after the promotion Easy jet. Promotion offered cheap flights to a choice of all Easy jet destinations when 18 tokens were collected. Seats were sold during the promotion and Easy Jet got more than  £2m. Stelios Haji-loannou uses the website as a PR tool, he uses its nearness to keep newspapers informed about new promotions and offers by phoning and e-mailing journalists and pass on them to the website rather than faxing. The website was used as an aggressive tool in what is very competitive marketplace The essential components to re-think to Stelios Haji-loannou traditional views of marketing to face up the new challenges he face. The model acts as a checklist that advises us to confront the need for:- VALUE STRATEGY A logical and customer focused offer of better value to each of his customers in the terms that matter to them. MARKET STRATEGY A clear balanced strategic pathway to market that take advantage of learning and intellect capabilities to make better market choices, clarify value propositions, and to identify the relationship network to be managed in the process of going to market. INTERNET STRATEGY Developing and Integrating the potential of the Web in changing buyer and sellers relationships, offering multiple channel capabilities and developing new business models. PROCESS STRATEGY Designing and managing clear and focused process of decisions making in creating and delivering of value to customers CHANGE STRATEGY A reliable and effective approach to making things happen in the Easy Jet Company, to deliver maintainable competitive advantage and better-quality performance through the flawless delivery of value to customers Easy Jet protect its strategy, pointing out that all decisions have been made by the full board with agreement, where necessary, from shareholders. The agreement should keep growth at 7.5% this will enable Easy Jet to boost its share of the European short-haul market from the current 7% to around 10%.The board of EasyJet is also committed to ensuring that the company achieves a proper financial return on its capital and therefore has set a target of 15% return on equity. An Important strategic implication for Easy Jet is that while its current pricing strategy is optimal given its size, it would not be optimal for airline to offer such low initial prices were it to add substantial capacity to any given route. This would be the challenge for a firm that has built up expectations among customers as as airline with a great value proposition for those willing to buy early. Value Proposition The Value proposition cencept is an integral part of the business model tool that hold a set of elements and their relationships and allows expressing the business logic of a specific firm. It can be understood as the statements of benefits that are delivered by the solid to its external population. In spite of opposing opinions concerning what factors make firms successful, differentiation and focus are two normally accepted principles that bring about effective strategies and many strategy frameworks. The mixture of benefits offered to customers. Easy Jet operates very cheaply which enables them to offer customers convenience, reliability and great service. It propose cheap flights to convenient European destinations and also gives other related services. Easy Jet apply a direct services business model. The model reaches buyers and sellers directly thereby squeezing the distribution channel and improving efficiency. The reduced expenditure allows Easy Jet to offers a cluster of benefits to customers. Easy Jets value proposition can be summarized by value for money, convenience and excellent customer service. The basic assumption is that every business transaction can be broken down to five major value attributes:- PRICE Cost of goods and services PRODUCT Goods and services purchased ACCESS How consumers obtain goods SERVICES How consumers feel about the suppliers as a result of commercial transaction. EXPERIENCE How consumers feel about themselves as a result of goods and services. Easy jet Value proposition has has been to offer cheap, punctual, safe, no trappings method of travel to people who generally paid out of their own pockets. By remaining a low cost carrieer, customer belief were minimal and as a result brand new planes with the best pilots and punctual flights was clearly successfull in satisfaction the customer, as proof but the high number of repeat fliers. Easy Jets competitive advantage is largely sustainable due to its fast speed of growth and its offer to quickly achieve the benefits of operating at the most favourable scale for greater profitability. Implementation Creating new core and extendd value for customers The capability to bring interactivity and more detailed information through the internet are key to enhacing the extended product offering online. Product selection tools can help match product to customer. The Internet also gives great opportunities to get closer to the customer. The modest feedback button can offer a revelation amount of information. Better still, by analysing consumer e-mail queries from the Internet and other channels, companies can offer best product information.Easy Jet has a detailed sed of frequently asked questions that are compiled from analysis of the hundreds of thousands of questions received online.Improvement of a clear customer value proposition is now an essential part of customer centric marketing, customer relationship management and branding. Easy jet planned to implement the project internally, but the decided that they need a strategic implementation partner with experience of the target solution technology stack. Balancing online and offline promotion methods Easy jet have the promotion method, it is its first internet only promotion in a newspaper in The Times. The use of online and offline promotion. Online promotion method such as search engine registration and banner advertising often take prominence when discussing methods of traffic building, offline promotion using deferent communications tools such as advertising and PR delivery by traditional media such as TV, Radio and Print on order to deliver visitors to an online presence. The passengers online experience strengthens confidence in the booking process. A five step move towards is taken, allowing the passenger to exit at any time. The booking form remembers essential passenger information, so irritating towards the inside of basic details is not necessary if passengers want to try-out with dates and times. Once a passenger has booked their ticket for the first time, they can directly influence the ticket price, and choices are offered to them that are not available elsewhere. As a result, there seems little doubt that easy Jets customers enjoy their online experience, so ensuring that they come back regularly and often. Implementation Impact of strategy having upon the performance of the business The website was designed in such a way that it was easier for the customers to navigate and very simple design. Their new idea in the site design was introducing the games such as BAs losses and Battle with Swissair. These created a curious in the customers to checkup with the site. Also the winners were given prizes in the form of free air tickets, thus increasing the sales by involving the customers themselves. The most important strategy was to make everything easier for their customers. Easy prefix had been added where, easyEverything means, the separate internet cafe which allowed the customers to browse free though the Easy jet site. Some of the strategies which still followed by the easy jet make the customer remember of their service and name of easy jet even in offline, that is even at the street. The major value produced by this site was that it is well integrated within the business itself. That is the changes or any new destinations, everything were immediately updated in the website, once they were fed into the information system of the company. As soon as they have implemented the new system of marketing technique, that is through the internet, their sales rise significantly. This new marketing system facilitate them to lessen the running costs, which is very important to any company. Since their costs were reduced, they were able to offer their customers a discount of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1. Easy Jet company it is also easier for them to determine how much tickets got booked with the help of their website. This was possible with the help of the special telephone number on the site. It was in fact, their six months target was reached just in six weeks. Also, one great benefit they found out with the help of the easy Jets website was, almost everyone who called booked their tickets, opposite to the phone line where only one caller out of the six callers booked their ticket. Easy Jets website sales was rising, at one point they reached the level such that two-fifths of the business was generated through the website. Then they took this task to in house maintenance itself rather than outsourcing as a result the cost was reduced further. Newspaper was their first major promotion of their site was. Mainly they used The Times. This brought a very remarkable result. Where on the first day itself 20,000 tickets were sold out. As a result they used the offline advertising to promote their online ticket bookings. Legal and ethical issues When using the Internet and E-Commerce it is important to remember that there are many legal and ethical issues to be considered. Legal Issues When starting a business on the Web, there are significant legal issue to consider. Making evaluation about legal matter is about how comfortable you are with risk. If you make huge revenue with a high risk business, you could come to a decision that the money is worth the risk, or you might prefer to do it for a short period of time, collect your money and get out. This is just because there is risk does mean that it is not a good business for you. Everything in life has risks and your business is no exception. Consideration for legal and ethical matter with regard to the gathering, processing, distributing and use of information on the internet is now becoming very important. As the technology raise the relationship between the society and politics also increases. Ethical and legal decisions are therefore becoming very important to balance the needs and rights of everyone. Legal issue than can be considered are:- Where things really happen ? How should the transaction be authenticated ? How to determine the minors when making e-transaction ? Who are behind the screen ? Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace ? How can we solve the jurisdiction problem in dispute settlement ? Which Legal System will apply ? Do we have Cyber laws that protect on-line consumer ? Legal issues can be as follows:- Copyright Violation Watch out for this particular crime of sites that copy your website text legal issues or name while trying to pledge off some other item they are selling. It is provided for both the published and unpublished works. It is important when obtaining content for the Easy Jet site and in the protection of the sites content. The owner of a copyright can have the exclusive right:- To copy the work To modify the work To distribute the work To perform the work publicity To display the work publicity Trade mark It is the ownership of intellectual properties that identifies goods or services. In internet trademark is mainly used in naming the domains. A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs, which identifies and distinguishes the source of particular goods. A service mark is the same as a trademark, except that it identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product. Ethical Issues E-commerce businesses which are entering in the world will be facing a new set of ethical challenges. It is easy for businesses to become sidetracked in the technical challenges of operating in this way and to pay little attention to the ethical implications. Ethical Issues can be as follows:- Advertising And Keywords Scams Unethical spyware/adware companies are promoting themselves as: get to the top of Google, Yahoo, and MSN search guaranteed for your keywords. These companies are using the term Search Engine Data Merging. Spyware and adware is installed on some users computers then they sell keywords to professionals for thousands of dollars a year. This is a huge money making scam. Identity Theft Internet Fraud Identity theft is a main problem of which have been there for long time in many situation. Be cautious, that this issue is related to online B2C ethical business issues and legal issues. Domain Name Registration Issues and Scams Domain name registration is another area online where ethics have been thrown out. Without doubt there are some gray areas for someone to be registering a domain name that is close to some other corporate identitys name. Other than that, many of these individuals and corporations that register domain names in the same country and other countries that are near to, or similar to the spellings of others, are registering the names to violate upon the trademarks and brands of other corporations and organizations. CONCLUSION The main objective of this document is to know what are the strategies followed by the Easy jet to achieve the top position in the low cost carrier in Europe. One of the great business success stories of the past five years has been the launch of the easy Jet airline company (Dixon, 2000). Easy jet has been able to be successful in this industry due to its ground-breaking. And in order to remain in this position in the following years also it has to be more and more inventive. Because in this modern world the competition is becoming heavier and heavier. This is the world of survival of the fittest. Easy Jet has continuously tried to identify itself to its consumer base as the best form of budget travel in Europe. The company known as the demand for this form of travel and its marketing strategies have been first and foremost geared around providing more efficient, low-cost flights, at the same time as maintaining as a high a quality of service as possible. Through their clear, effective website, they have strived to make it increasingly easy for customers to deal with the company, whereas strategically positioning their advertising to be directed at the market served. Policies for expansion have been the driving force behind easy Jets important growth and have enabled them to get rid of key competitor from the industry. Nevertheless, with the emergence of new, strong competitors in the industry and the increasing demand for low-cost travel, it is evident that easy Jet must remain inventive in its marketing and assign enough resources to make safe a long-term position as the market leader.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay example --
Motivation Motivation is defined as the process that guides, initiates, and maintains goal orientated behavior and thought (Cherry, 2013). Motivation is what drives individuals to do what they do, whether it is something as simple as getting a drink because he or she are thirsty or something as big as getting up every day and gong to work for a paycheck. Identify at least two sources of motivation Motivation can come from internal sources (intrinsic), which have psychological and biological variables or from external (extrinsic) sources like incentives and goals (Deckers, 2010). Intrinsic motivation develops in individuals to give them their own personalities and preferences towards specific behaviors, examples include participating in certain activities or sports because you find them enjoyable or doing a Sudoku puzzle because it is a challenge you find fun or interesting. In these examples, an individual’s behavior is motivated by something internal that makes them want to participate in the activity just to do it (Cherry, 2013). Extrinsic motivation is when an individual performs...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Business Communication in Toyota Essay
1. Introduction In Toyota Motors Corporation there are several communication methods by which employees share their ideas, information, opinions and feelings. The following are some of the methods of internal communication: news-letter, face to face, notice board, memo, e-mail, telephone, text messages, and instant messaging. The sharing ideas, information, opinions and feelings contribute to the operations of teams and the work of individuals within the corporation. I will suggest about four methods of two-way internal communication. 2. Vertical Communications Vertical Communication is the communication between those who are on different levels of authority within the company. For example, manager to employee, general manager to managers, foreman to machine operator, head of the department to cashiers, etc. Vertical communications occurs between hierarchically positioned people and can involve both downward and upward communication flows. i. Downward Vertical Communication Downward Communication is more prevalent than upward communication. Downward Communication flows from supervisor to employee, from policy makers to operating personal, or from top to bottom on the organization chart. As messages move downward through successive levels of the organization, they seem to get larger. If top managers communicate directly with immediate supervisors and immediate supervisors communicate with their staff. A simple policy statement from the top of the organization may grow into a formal plan for operation at lower levels. Their decisions taken at the top of an organization are broadly stated policies in line with organization. Downward communication is used by the managers for providing a complete understanding of the employees’ job as well as to communicate them how their jobs are related to other jobs in the organization. ii. Upward Vertical Communication Upward communication generally is feedback to downward communication. Although necessary and valuable, upward communication contains risk. When management requests information from lower organization levels, the resulting information becomes feedback to that request. Employees talk to supervisors about methods of doing it, and their discernment of the organization. Upward communication leads to a more committed and loyal workforce in an organization because the employees are given a chance to raise and speak dissatisfaction issues to the higher levels. The manager get to know about the employees’ feelings toward their jobs, peers, supervisor and organization in general. Managers can according to take the actions for improving things. These comments are feedback to the downward flow transferred in both spoken and written form by group meetings, procedures, company news releases, and grapevine. It is used to communicate links with down levels of employees and communicate with the staff in a sown level of their seniors. 3. Horizontal/Lateral Communications Horizontal Communications are messages sent between staff on the same level of the organization hierarchy. It indicates the exchange of information between individuals in different departments or divisions within the same organization. Often, it occurs in staff relationships. There are two kinds of communication in horizontal communication. They are direct horizontal communication and indirect horizontal communication. v. Direct Horizontal Communication This indicates the exchanges of information between individuals of similar position in different departments. Such as in Toyota Car Company, a middle management from department 1 to direct communicates to another middle management from department 2. It is between similar position direct communications. This type of communication ensures coordination of activities and increases cooperation between managers and similar organization. Managers are having little understanding of the objectives or other problems such as production and marking. For example; they may be form conflict because of their different objectives and ideas. Hence, the vital importance of planning/control meetings, establishment and discussion of corporate plans and budgetary control for the whole organization. vi. Indirect Horizontal Communication This indicate communication between each level of department and different level of another department. Such as a middle management in department 1 communicates to other foreman supervisors in department 2. For example; in Toyota Car Company, the leader in department is indirect other department of manager. It is used to communicate with the staff relationships. And then we can also prepare direct and indirect plan to meet the staff. But we will notice that a number of staff seen to have problems in understanding the message about the lack of bonuses. At that time, we will solve these problems. So, we need to communication to answer for the questions. We will need important communication. They are non-verbal communication, meta-communication and paralanguage. 4. Non-verbal communication Non-verbal communication is the process of communicating through sending and receiving wordless messages. Non-verbal communications include facial expressions, the tone of the voice, gestures displayed through body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact, sense of touch, sense of smell and body motions, object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture, or symbols and info graphics. Other mean, in the process of communication is talking without speaking a word. These non-verbal signals can give clues and additional information and meaning over and verbal communication. Define or reinforce the relationship between people and provide feedback to the other person. For example, nodding and shaking are also important techniques when listening to the other person speaks. It shows that to use nodding and shaking can presented you are listening and you can understand what the speaker is talking anything. 5. Meta-communications Meta-communications is a good special form of the communication that indicates how verbal information should be understood and interpreted. I think that it being using in surrounding. It concerns stimuli surrounding the verbal communication that also have meaning. It may be supportive and facial expression. For Example, we often used (x) in mathematics. It represents unknown number. It functions as a formal definition of the function of meta-communication in the communication. 6. Paralanguage Paralanguage may be expressed consciously or unconsciously, and includes the pitch, volume and in some cases, intonation of speech. The study known as paralinguistic. Paralinguistic is a long word and use for the noises people. In school, teacher is often using this to show the agreement – â€Å"uh-huh†, â€Å"mm†, â€Å"uh-oh†, â€Å"oh†and so on. They are often useful. For example; like smiling. We will explain about the important main of communication. And decision which may prevent the staff from understanding the information about the lack of bonuses. There are three main barriers to communication. * Emotional Interference- An emotional individual may not be able to communicate well. If someone is angry, hostile, resentful, joyful, or fearful, that person may be too preoccupied with emotions to receive the intended message. If you don’t like someone, for example, you may have trouble â€Å"hearing†them. * Conflicting Messages- Messages that cause a conflict in perception for the receiver may result in incomplete communication. For example, of a person constantly uses jargon or slang to communicate with someone from another country who has never heard such expressions, mixed messages are sure to result. Another example of conflicting messages might be if a supervisor requests a report immediately without giving the report writer enough time to gather the pro per information. * No Provision for Feedback- Since communication is two way process, the sender must search for a means of getting a response from the receiver. If a team leader does not permit any interruption nor questions while discussing projects, he may find that team members may not completely understand what they are to do. Face-to-face oral communication is considered the best type of communication since feedback can be both verbal and nonverbal. When two communicators are separated, care must be taken to ask for meaningful feedback. We should prepare the interviews about concerned that staff have become de-motivated by the decision to discontinue bonuses and by the success of Toyota competitors. We should prepare meeting the staff and employee. An interview is only effective if it is thoroughly prepare the necessary information plane. We make sure that we have all the necessary data. We need to prepare the files and all the relevant matter. And then we also need to explain the staff why we will to de-motivate by the decision to discontinue bonuses. We prefer need make matters notes which are particularly important to say. We knew that in the interview, the staff will ask any specific questions. So, we require making answer to answer the questions. And other then, we should plan a time for meeting with the staff. And also need to interview one to one. So, we need to decisions or action for the meeting. 7. Four different types of questions And then in the interview, there are form four different types of question. They are closed questions, open questions, follow-up questions and leading questions. Closed questions are those which have only a very limited range of responses, often only say â€Å"yes†or â€Å"no†. Closed question should not always be thought of as simple questions that anyone can quickly answer merely because they require a yes or no answer. Closed questions can also be very complicated. For example, â€Å"Is one in binary equal to one in counting numbers?†is a closed question that not everyone would be able to quickly answer. Other example, asking someone if they have done something invites just those two alternatives Open questions are ones that require more than one word answers. The answers could come in the form of a list, a few sentences or something longer such as a speech, paragraph or essay. Open questions invite a more developed response, often involving the speaker’s opinions or feelings as well more information or evidence in support of an argument. For example, how do we fell to which employee? How do we improve for our Toyota Car Company? These types of question tend to close down opportunities for discussion. They should be used sparingly, if at all. They can be useful, though, for determining the other person’s position on an issue as a prelude to follow-up question which does open-up the discussion. We should also need to understand leading questions. These are questions which in their wording or their tone, suggest a particular answer and, again they do little to take the communication forward. In fact, they are usually inviting conformation of the questioner’s position, rather than opening up the discussion. 8. Group Conflicts In Toyota Car Company, we have to explain many problems. We have taken notice from employee’s feedback that some employees are worry about the potential 35,000 redundancies worldwide which Toyota Car Company are planning to undertake in the next few years. So, this is also form group conflicts in the workforce currently. In the shop floor level of organization, there appears to be group conflicts. It forms in intergroup, departments. The group members are often necessary to complete the work required to operate a business. Sometime, groups inter-relate to accomplish the organization’s goals and objectives, and conflict can occur. At the time, we will form concern between the staff. It occur group conflicts in the workforce currently may be work interdependence, goal variances and the increased demand for specialists. Differences in perceptions among groups regarding time and statues, when coupled with different goals, can also create conflict. For examples, the group to produce the new design of Toyota Car, but members is different idea design to produce car. It will appear to be conflicts in the group. Boss have taken notice from employee’s feedback that some employees are worried about the potential 35,000 redundancies worldwide which Toyota are planning to undertake in the next few years. This is also having a negative impact on working with teams. There are some reasons to causes the group conflicts. We make plan for the group conflicts to organize and plan the redundancy process. We will write answers to retrench some staff and remove bonuses for thousands of senior employees as it tries to regain investor confidence and stopping bonuses are the latest steps in an extensive cost cutting drive that will lead the company to cut 35,000 jobs worldwide in the next five years in the face of a competitive car market. Confirmation of the bonus decision is expected this month when Toyota unveils its full results the company make record losses. Toyota traditionally pays bonuses in March to all senior staff members worldwide. Due to the changes in economic performance, staffs were not given any bonus payments last year. When Toyota Car Company grew much larger than began, corporate evolution meant an increase in office space, include the technology. Advances in technology have many new methods of communication to communicate with employee, suppliers. 9. Intranet for employee communication We need to use intranet communication to communicate with employee. This communication links with our company employees connections. For example; in Toyota Car Company, manager should be discuss with employee for to produce new communication. As a group, need to communication links with the down levels of employees. For example; in a group, our received a new order from customer, we are discuss with employee (intranet communication) to produce it new order. So, intranet communication need to communicate with employee. Intranet communication helps to improve communication with employee. It support links with customers and partners. Employees can view up to date information about the company and changes being made. 10. Extranet for communication with Ford’s suppliers This communication links with both their input and output connections. For example, our Toyota Car Company will have communications with our suppliers of raw materials and spare parts and with all of our customers. As our organization grow, the number of communication links with the outside environment increases. It is important that the extranet communication should be integrated with the internal communication. For examples, our received an order from a supplier (external communication) has to be processed and executed within the organization (internal communication) and then the documents of sales, plans and invoice have to be sent to the customer (external communication). So, external communication is preferred need that communicates with suppliers and customers. Extranet communication helps in improve company efficiency and output by automating procedures that were done manually in the past. They can help in improving relationships with main or potential suppliers by giving them correct, precise and efficient information. This helps in cutting down the meetings time and is also helpful when doing our business having with partners located in different countries and in different time zones. 11. Email for sending press releases to the national press This email with the development of electronic office communication based on computers, the ability to send and receive messages. We are using internal email to send to national press for to develop to know that many different kinds of Toyota car. As use email, we will easy to link with our customers and suppliers. Email communication has many advantages such as emails it the most wide used application on the internal. Email communication has many advantages such as email is the most wide used application on the internet. It can easy to get embarrassing comments. Email communication is effective to business. It is easy to distribute information such as many kinds of car designs. And then the person can also order news car from passing email. So, we also need email to send press releases and send national press. The organization charts are also need to show for business. Organization charts is very important to an organization. An organizational structure should enable the organization to change or to respond according to its environment. If it is very effective it is called a flexible structure. Mainly there are two types of structure. They are organic structure and mechanistic structure. It has few rules and regulations, encourages employee teamwork, and decentralizes decision making to employees doing the job. The Business Development Manager mention the percentage of sales from each regional sales office in North America are 15%, 22%, 18%, 28%, 7%, 10% . The total of this graph shows the total Toyota Sales for 2007. | Advantages| Disadvantages| Pie chart| They are visually very clear and of ten uncluttered with additional information. They are also very helpful to illustrate profits as they use percentages.| They cannot use to compare that whole with another. Not use to compare one year and another year products.| Line graph| It shows specific values of data well. It reveal trends and relationships between data and compare trends in different groups of a variable. It can clearly show error values in the data. It usually simple to read and understand. It can also give you a nice visual representation of a function or equation.| Line graph are confuse in business. It can only be used to show data over time. You can change the way the data of a line graph appears, by not using consistent scales on the axis. Labeling trends to convolute graphs, difficult to discern exact values for data.| Table| It is easy to read and easy to compare the different types of production of years. It has exact numbers no points on a graph.| It d oes not click with the more visually-oriented audience.| Now know that Boss has needed a check-list and need to prepare a kind of check-list let him know how we prepare that case. Following is a sample check-list when we go to travel and then will explain how to improve the visual communication with new technology. References: Downward Communication, Upward Communication, Horizontal Communication. Available on (27/6/2013) Group Conflict, Available on Bilugan, Renory L., 29.May.2011 Available on (27/6/2013) Types of Non-Verbal Communication. Available on (27/6/2013) Understanding Conflict – Meaning and Phases of Conflict. Available on (27/6/2013) Sam, Alexander and eHow Contributor, Advantages & Disadvantages of a Pie Chart. Available on (25/6/2013) Barriers to Effective Communication, Available on (25/6/2013)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Moon Phases and Weather essays
Moon Phases and Weather essays From any location on the Earth, the Moon appears to be a circular disk which, at any specific time, is illuminated to some degree by direct sunlight. Like the Earth, the Moon is a sphere which is always half illuminated by the Sun, but as the Moon orbits the Earth we get to see more or less of the illuminated half. During each lunar orbit (a lunar month), we see the Moon's appearance change from not visibly illuminated through partially illuminated to fully illuminated, then back through partially illuminated to not illuminated again. Although this cycle is a continuous process, there are eight distinct, traditionally recognized stages, called phases. The phases designate both the degree to which the Moon is illuminated and the geometric appearance of the illuminated part. The phases of the moon are New Moon, Waxing Crescent, Waxing Moon (1st Quarter), Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, and Waning Crescent (Last Quarter). These moon phases often affect the weather. During these phases, there are certain weather conditions that are likely to occur. The best chance for a fine day is before any moon phase day, at the New Moon, and a few days before the Full Moon. The chance of rain can be viewed as the relative weather instability. Rain occurs most frequently in the week between the New Moon and 1st Quarter and the week between Full Moon and Last Quarter. This is partly due to the moon phases effects on tides. Although the chance of rain just before the Full Moon is very low, the days could be overcast and cooler. The days before the 1st Quarter and the Last Quarter should be warmer than the days before the New Moon or Full Moon. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Religion, peace and politics
Religion, peace and politics Religion, peace and politics have always been closely tied. Admittedly, the Dark Ages can be regarded as the brightest example of the period when religion was the most potent stimulus in making peace or rather war. Of course, the contemporary world has changed significantly as the society has become more secular.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Religion, peace and politics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nonetheless, religion is still an important part of political life of countries. Numerous conflicts suggest that people are still ready to start a war trying to defend their religious beliefs and traditions. Importantly, religion also shapes ways people employ to reach their goals. It is possible to consider conflicts in such countries as South Africa, Egypt and Burma to understand the correlation between religion, politics and peace in the contemporary world. In the first place, it is important to note that religio n has often contributed to certain division of citizens within countries. Thus, religion contributed greatly to the development of Apartheid in South Africa (Botman 244). The debate on segregation started in the Dutch Reformed Church in the 19th century. Notably, local people were converted into Christianity and Christian churches were built. Soon, however, local people were prevented from coming to some churches. A bright example of the process is the way Khoi-Khoi people were deprived of their right to practice Christianity with white people. Khoi-Khoi people invited white people to join their church, but some white congregants addressed church officials to hold separate celebrations (Botman 244). The Synod considered the matter and it was declared that â€Å"it was desirable and according to the Holly Scripture†that white people could attend churches different from the ones attended by the locals (Botman 244). This contributed greatly to the division within the society. A nother illustration of the process of division is Egyptian society. Historically, the society has been divided in two major groups, Muslims and Orthodox Christians. There have always been conflicts between the two groups. Nonetheless, in the middle of the twentieth century, Abdel Nasser strived for creation of a secular society and this led to decrease in conflicts between religious groups (Hibbard 86). Multiethnic society divided into two major religious groups learnt to live in peace.Advertising Looking for essay on political culture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, in the 1970 the political situation changed and a new force came in power. Anwar Sadat employed mechanisms to â€Å"promote a Saudi-inspired salafist (or fundamentalist) Islam in Egyptian public life†(Hibbard 86). This led to activation of fundamentalist Islamic groups such as Muslim Brotherhood. Tension between the groups also increase d as Orthodox Christians were afraid of possible violent acts and restriction of their freedoms. The present Egyptian society is still torn into two camps where Orthodox Christians have to defend their right to practice their religion and remain equal with the rest of the citizens. They are afraid of becoming an inferior class of citizens pursued by the larger group of Muslims. In other words, they are afraid of another form of Apartheid which took place in South Africa. Therefore, it is obvious that religion can shape (in this case, divide) the society, which can lead to numerous conflicts and strive for violent changes. Hence, it is possible to note that religion is still one of the reasons of conflicts worldwide. Religion is also an integral part of political regime in some countries. The Egyptian case is one of the brightest examples. Fundamentalist Muslim groups strive for a Muslim society where all people share Islamic values. Admittedly, the most fundamentalist militants also believe that other religions are wrongful and cannot exist in Egypt (Hibbard 92). Therefore, some militants attack Orthodox Christians and destroy their property. This increases tension between the two groups. As has been mentioned above, religious beliefs have shaped the political regime in Egypt. For instance, in 1980, The Egyptian constitution was amended to make Islamic Law â€Å"the principal (or primary) source of legislation†(qtd. in Hibbard 93). Since then, Egypt has witnessed Islamization of all spheres of public life. Remarkably, Sadat relied on the Islamic student groups and the Muslim Brotherhood to seize power. Sadat also supported development of these groups and similar organizations. Nevertheless, these groups have caused a lot of problems to the political regime as these groups have been responsible for numerous violent acts which negatively affect popularity of those in power.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Religion, peace and pol itics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the most recent attacks took place in 2010 when several Muslim men killed seven people and wounded some people after celebrations services on the Orthodox Christmas Eve. This led to other conflicts and violence in the streets. It is apparent that even though the changes started in the 1970s, people are still unwilling to abandon their father’s religious beliefs. More so, focus on religion contributes to imbalance in political life, which, in its turn, affects economic sphere and wellbeing of all Egyptians. Of course, economic constraints make people to strive for changes in the country. The Egyptian government is unable to break this vicious circle. Thus, there is a strong correlation between religious beliefs and political as well as public sphere. It is also necessary to note that religion does not only shape the development of societies as it can also affect political struggle. The case of Burma is a good example of the impact of religion on people’s struggle. In the 1980s, people’s life became intolerable as harsh economic crisis led to unprecedented rate of poverty. According to religious beliefs, people should give food to monks, which is a â€Å"primary form of merit-making in Theravada Buddhist practice†(Fink 355). Irresponsible policies and economic measures of the government contributed to the development of severe crisis. People did not have food for themselves. They did not have food to give to monks, and, in other words, to live in accordance with their religious beliefs. Thus, monks decided to start demonstrations to make officials aware of the intolerable conditions of people. Importantly, monks did not want to make others involved in the demonstrations as they were afraid of possible negative consequences for people. At that, monks could not pose threats to people or cause any harm. Interestingly, religion was also used as a tool as monks refused to take food from those in power or military people who used force to disperse demonstrators. In 2007, demonstrations started again due to financial constraints the country faced. The primary force of the opponents of the regime was the 88 Generation Students’ Group. Again, monks participated in marches and demonstrations. Importantly, religious beliefs sparked the movement as those in power used force and a lot of monks were badly injured. This led to people’s dissatisfaction and even anger as physical assault of monks is one â€Å"one of the greatest sins†in Buddhism (Fink 355). Lots of people joined marches and demonstrations. It is also important to note that actions of demonstrators were quite organized and peaceful which deprived the officials of opportunity to use force. Notably, different countries supported peaceful marches and tried to make the government take into account protestors’ demands. Therefore, it is possible to trac e a global trend as many countries strive for peaceful changes in societies. Obviously, the vast majority of countries condemn violence and societies try to implement the change employing peaceful measures.Advertising Looking for essay on political culture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Clearly, religion, politics and peace are closely connected in the twenty-first century. People are still eager to defend their right to preserve their religious beliefs and practices. In some countries, religion is an integral part of political and social life. Thus, there are several Islamic countries where Islamic law is incorporated in the constitution. This does not necessarily lead to tension and violent acts if the population of the country is homogeneous (at least, in terms of religion). However, when there are several religious groups in the society, these groups often have conflicts. Recent conflicts can suggest that a society constituted by different religious groups and peace are incompatible. Importantly, the world is globalized and countries will have more and more newcomers. It is likely that there will be no homogeneous societies any more. Those newcomers are likely to pertain to different religious groups. Nonetheless, there are lots of examples of peaceful coexiste nce of different ethnical and religious groups. For instance, Egypt of the 1950s was a country constituted by several religious and ethnic groups. Thus, one of the best ways to ensure peace within a country is to divide secular and spiritual spheres. Thus, political sphere should be secular as a few countries are now homogenous in terms of religion and ethnicity. Therefore, all groups should have equal rights to practice their religion. This will also ensure that all citizens will have equal civil rights irrespective of their religious beliefs. Admittedly, people cannot be divided into certain classes according to their religious beliefs or ethnicity. Any unfair division will result in violent acts and unrest. Though, it is necessary to note that religion can also have a positive impact on political struggle. The vast majority of religions strive for peaceful solutions for any conflicts. Thus, peaceful demonstrations in Burma can be a good example how to struggle for civil rights ex ploiting peaceful tools only. Admittedly, citizens have to remind groups in power that the latter are chosen to contribute to the development of the country and should address citizens’ needs. However, it is inappropriate to use force and strive for violent changes in the society as this leads to destruction and numerous negative consequences. In conclusion, it is possible to note that the cases of South Africa, Egypt and Burma provide numerous important lessons to learn. These are lessons on the correlation between religion, politics and peace. These cases reveal hazards and opportunities for the contemporary societies. These lessons help people understand that political sphere should remain secular in multicultural and multiethnic societies of the contemporary world. At the same time, political struggle can be based on religious values of peace, cooperation and respect. This will enable people to contribute to positive and peaceful changes in the society. Botman, H. Russel . Truth and Reconciliation: The South Africa Case. Religion and Peacebuilding. Ed. Harold Coward and Gordon S. Smith. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2004. 243-261. Print. Fink, Christina. The Moment of the Monks: Burma, 2007. Civil Resistance and Power Politics: The Experience of Non-Violent Action from Gandhi to the Present. Ed. Sir Adam Roberts and Timothy Garton Ash. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2009. 354-370. Print. Hibbard, Scott W. Egypt and the Legacy of Sectarianism. Between Terror and Tolerance: Religious Leaders, Conflict, and Peacemaking. Ed. Timothy D. Sisk. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2011. 85-104. Print.
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